The Adventures of Rebirth Canal in Cuba

We were invited to play at the 35th International Havana Jazz Festival!

Ernesto Mazar Kindelán (bass), Marcelo Pérez (drums), Camille Mai (piano & voice), Daniel Riera (flute & EWI), and Ahkeel Mestayer (percussion). Photo by Sandra Cabrisas.

We crossed a lot of stuff off our bucket list...

"Quê Hương" (Hoàng Giác) – Arranger: Camille Mai. Video by Arturo Riera (Mister Latin Jazz)

Like opening for Van Van and Miguel Zenón...

"If This Ain't Love" – Video by Arturo Riera (Mister Latin Jazz)

And recording in Manolito Simonet's studio...

And playing live on Cuban radio...

Camille Mai interviewed on Radio Taíno "La FM de Cuba." Photo by Arturo Riera (Mister Latin Jazz)

Doing a free show for the people in Havana...

"Tránsito" – Composition by Daniel Riera, live at Parqueo de Coppelia.
Video by Arturo Riera (Mister Latin Jazz)

We connected with our long-lost cousins, after 60+ years with no contact...

Photo by Arturo Riera (Mister Latin Jazz)

...And with the Universe and each other through the power of MUSIC!

Photo by Arturo Riera (Mister Latin Jazz)

Our heartfelt thanks to our dear friends who supported us, and to the people of Havana for having us, in this hub of culture & musical excellence... until next year!

About Rebirth Canal

"What's most striking when Camille Mai talks about music is her insistence on keeping every door open. A pianist, vocalist, composer, and leader of the band Rebirth Canal, Mai has created a protean body of songs infused with Latin American rhythms filtered through an abiding affection for the slinky grooves of the late, pervasively influential producer J Dilla. But that's just the rhythmic foundation of a sound that can encompass traditional Vietnamese modes, jazz improvisation and harmonies, French chanson and beyond..."

— Andrew Gilbert (Read the full article on Berkeleyside!)


"La unión de estos jóvenes tanto sentimental como profesionalmente ha dado al traste con motivaciones musicales en común: el jazz. En escena son todo un espectáculo. Tienen una particular manera de expresar a través de sus melodías cantadas y tocadas todo un arsenal creativo muy interesante. [...] Jóvenes intrépidos musicalmente, que desafían fronteras y apuestan por no sucumbir en modernismos perecederos. Rebirth Canal, lo tiene bien claro, renacer; renacer todo el tiempo en ese canal donde la música es infinita."

— Mildred Aguilar, La Corchea, Revista del Instituto Cubano de la Música (Descargar el articulo)

Listen to Rebirth Canal

International Rhythm Witchcraft {2016}

Previous Projects



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